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Policies & Safety

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Our groomers are human.

With every level of service there is an acceptable risk of accident and/or error. Leaving your pet in our care constitutes an understanding and acceptance of this risk.

Refusal to pay for services rendered constitutes theft of services and is punishable in Queensland under the Crimes Act 1900.

We value your opinions and appreciate your understanding that we are in the business of caring for your pet and their wellbeing will always be our priority.


If you are unhappy with your experience at our establishment please bring this to our attention and allow us to have the chance to resolve the issue.


Abuse, in any form, to any staff member, will not be tolerated and will result in refusal of service and future services at the business owner's discretion.


  • An appointment reminder/confirmation SMS and email will be sent at 8:00am AEST 3 days before your appointment to give you ample opportunity to confirm, reschedule or cancel if needed. If you do not respond to this message another reminder/confirmation SMS and email will be sent at 8:00am AEST 1 day before your appointment. Please respond to this message by 12:00pm AEST on the day you receive it to prevent your appointment from being cancelled and your deposit forfeited.

  • If you fail to respond to our reminder/confirmation SMS's and/or emails your appointment may be cancelled and your deposit forfeited.

  • DEPOSITS: All bookings require a 50% deposit of your base service payable prior to your appointment. A secure payment link is sent to you via text message. Deposit payment is required to secure your appointment. Deposit amount comes off the total cost of your services.
    Please note that processing fees are not included in the deposit deduction from the total amount payable on check out.

  • Any cancellations and rescheduled appointments made after close of business the day before your appointment is considered a same-day cancellation and your deposit will be forfeited.

  • Appointments are offered on a "first come, first served" basis and are not reserved once offered. Please respond promptly to avoid disappointment.

Drop Off

  • Leaving your pet in the care of What the Pup! Canine Care & Enrichment constitutes the understanding and agreement to all salon policies and all future updated salon policies.

  • If you are running late, please advise us via phone call. If you are more than 15 minutes late without advising us your appointment may be cancelled and your deposit forfeited.

  • The salon schedule is run deliberately by the appointment time we give you to assist us in safety and workflow. Please arrive within 15 minutes prior to your appointment time. If you drop your pet off 30 minutes or more earlier than the scheduled time, an early drop off fee of $8 per half hour is charged and payable on pick up. These fees are charged to assist us in providing adequate staff supervision for all pets in our care.

Pick Up

  • Please allow at least 2 hours minimum for all grooming appointments. This does not mean your pet will be ready for pick up after 2 hours. Grooming may take more time depending on the temperament, health and coat condition of your dog. You will be notified via text or
    originally allocated as working with live animals poses many risk and safety factors that can be extremely unpredictable.

  • If you need to pick up your dog at a specific time, please advise us prior to dropping off your dog. We may be unable to accommodate your request as we work to our own schedule and we prioritise the health and safety of your dog. We will not rush their service and compromise safety and grooming quality to meet your needs. Please prioritise your dog's comfort and safety and plan around their appointment.

  • Upon pick up please inspect your dog's groom and let us know if you would like any changes. We are happy to make changes to the groom within 24 hours after your appointment. Any changes after this will incur normal grooming fees.

  • Your dog must be picked up within 2 hours after you have been notified that their groom has been completed. A late pick up fee of $32 applies at the end of the 2 hour post groom period and an additional $8 for every half hour your dog is left in the salon thereafter is charged upon pick up and applies once 15 minutes have passed into the half hour. These fees are charged to assist us in providing adequate staff supervision for all pets in our care.


  • Upon a pet's first visit to day care a 4 hour assessment must be undertaken to ensure that the animal has the appropriate temperament and behavioural response levels to safely be around other pets. Your pet must be approved to attend day care before regular visits can be booked.

  • If we determine that your pet cannot safely be around other pets and/or the day care area is not a good fit for their behavioural responses we will notify you immediately and your pet must be collected within 2 hours after being notified. A late pick up fee of $32 applies at the end of the 2 hour post notification period and an additional $8 for every half hour your dog is left in the salon thereafter is charged upon pick up and applies once 15 minutes have passed into the half hour. These fees are charged to assist us in providing adequate staff supervision for all pets in our care.

  • Day care charges apply for the length of time your pet is on site in our care regardless of what length of time you have booked.

  • You may be asked to pick up your pet at any time during the course of their daycare service if their presence poses a safety risk to staff members or other pets in our care.


  • We reserve the right to refuse service to aggressive and reactive dogs for the safety of all staff members and pets within our care.

  • We reserve the right to modify hairstyle and price in accordance with coat condition as this is in the interest of your dog's welfare.

  • We reserve the right to determine the continuation of grooming services based on the health and safety of both your pet and groomer and charge accordingly for services rendered.

  • Style groom and tidy groom services require your dog's coat to be well maintained in order to provide these services. For cases with excessive matting and knots through the coat, a full groom service will be provided to ensure a stress-free and pain-free experience for your pet.

  • All grooms include a bath, blow dry, nail clip and ear clean. We cannot perform any styling or coat clipping unless we have bathed your dog due to excessive wear and tear on styling tools.

  • If there are fleas found on your dog a flea treatment will be given at the owner's expense.

  • All dogs must be up to date with their vaccinations and flea, tick, and worming treatments before entering the salon otherwise service may be refused

  • All puppies under 6 months old must have received their third C4/C5 vaccination and have waited a minimum 10 days before entering the salon.

  • Displayed prices are quotes only. Matting fee, de-matting fee, impacted undercoat fee, long-coat brush out fee and extra time fee may be added depending on your dog's coat condition, behaviour and reactivity. Fees are added at the groomer's discretion.

  • Specifically requesting the salon owner or operations manager to groom your pet may incur extra charges as it affects salon work-flow and may result in your pet requiring extra care and supervision whilst waiting for their groom.

  • All pets must be picked up by close of business. A staff member will contact you to advise you if delayed grooming services require your pet to be in the salon afterhours. Leaving your pet in the salon after close of business without advising us of late pick up will incur an afterhours pick up fee of $30 per half hour and applies once 15 minutes have passed into the half hour.

Grooming Safety
  • Because we care about your pet's safety and well being we want to assure you that every effort will be made to make your pet's visit as pleasant and as safe as possible.

  • Due to the intimate nature of the grooming process, and a pet's tolerance level for stress, strangers, or handling, some pets can become anxious or reactive during the grooming service.

  • Every precaution will be taken to complete the grooming service safely and humanely using industry safety restraints, however, if we determine that continuing the grooming service would present a threat to your dog's emotional or physical health, and/or the safety of the groomer, services will discontinue and you will be contacted immediately. Payment for services rendered up until the discontinuation of service is required.

  • Occasionally, grooming can expose a hidden medical problem or aggravate an existing one. This can occur before or after grooming. If obtaining veterinary treatment becomes necessary we will transport your pet to the closest vet and contact you immediately. Should the medical condition be pre-existing, you as the client will be liable for veterinary expenses. Should the condition occur as a direct result of grooming, excluding matting consequences, we as the grooming establishment will take on the veterinary expenses.

  • When a pet's coat is not brushed correctly or maintained and becomes severely tangled or matted it is at a greater risk of injury, stress and trauma. All precautions will be taken, however, consequences occasionally arise during or after grooming. Examples of these problems are as follows:

  • minor cuts and abrasions o clipper burn/rash

  • skin redness and minor bruising

  • itchiness and scratching

  • ear hematomas

  • mental or physical stress

  • personality seeming "off"

If these consequences are so severe that medical treatment is immediately required for the health and welfare of your pet, we will transport them to the closest vet and obtain veterinary treatment at the pet owner's expense.

Dog Waving Paw


Shop 88

Orion Springfield Central

1 Main St, Springfield Central Old 4300


Phone:  0421 170 340



Sun:                  10am - 4pm

Mon-Wed:       7am - 6pm

Thu:                   7am - 9pm

Fri:                     7am - 6pm

Sat:                    Closed


Closed on public holidays


© 2020 by What the Pup! | Proudly created with

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